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What to Wear When You Go Skiing

What to Wear When You Go Skiing

It’s not always easy choosing the right ski gear to bring to the slopes this season. The ideal ski gear will be lightweight, comfortable, suited to the climate, and easily adjustable. To shop from a great selection of high quality ski equipment in Westport , read this article. What to Wear When You Go Skiing Westport

Thin, warm socks are ideal for skiing. Look for skiing socks, which are made from a wool and silk mixture, from a reputable ski equipment store. Thin shocks allow you to feel the sole of your ski boot better than thick socks, resulting in superior control. Be sure that only socks go inside your ski boots, as extra layers can cut off circulation and desensitize nerves.

Ski boots are the most important item of ski gear to invest in. A good pair of ski boots will give you better control over your skis and enhance your comfort. Your ski boots should fit firmly, but not so tight that they cut off circulation or press against your nerves. Get your ski boots professionally fitted at a ski equipment shop.

Wear waterproof pants to avoid being wet, cold, and miserable on your next ski trip. Your jacket doesn’t need to be waterproof if you ski in a drier climate in Utah or Colorado, but should be waterproof if the climate is wetter. In any case, your ski jacket must be windproof—otherwise you could be cold on the ski lift and when you pick up speed on the slopes.

Thermal underwear is ideal for skiing. You should wear it on the slopes even when it’s warm, as it is very effective at removing moisture from your skin. Avoid wearing thermal underwear made from cotton, as this holds moisture and can make you cold. Look for thin thermal underwear at your local ski equipment store.