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Dealing with a Dry Ski Base

Dealing with a Dry Ski Base

skier, skiing, slopes, ski shop, skiing materials

Whether you are the owner of your own pair of skis or are planning on a ski rental for your upcoming excursion, it is very important to make sure that your skis do not suffer from a dry base. The bottom sides of your skis require routine waxing in order to remain properly protected from the damaging effects of snow. In addition, ski wax will help your skis glide effortlessly over the surface of the slopes. There are several signs that your ski base may be dry. For example, you may notice that the bottoms of your skis are lighter in color than usual. In addition, your skis may also feel strange or fuzzy to the touch. Fortunately, a ski shop serving Ridgefield will be able to help you care for your ski gear. With the help of a shop that specializes in ski repair , you will be able to get your skis in great condition for your upcoming slope session.